A carnivalesque playground, a spectacular vision not easily forgotten!

This blog is a curtain left open for peeping toms...
Is it your guilty pleasure to poke your nose into the backstage world of Monster Burlesque?

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Busy Monsters!

As Vaune has pointed out in the blog below, we have been so busy lately as we are only 18 days until opening night.  Things have really ramped up and I thought I would take this opportunity to update you on what we have been up too….

 Queen Wolf and Cock getting ready for the shoot
Our fantastic team of very talented ladies have been sewing up a storm to make sure the cast are fully clothed! We are trying to get all of them in costume for their final two weeks of rehearsing.

It has been great fun watching the rehearsals and hearing how all the acts are shaping up. The cast are having such an amazing time creating these acts and putting life into the costumes.

Tree fitting Will before the shoot
Vaune fitting Tans
We finally got to see some of our characters come to life at our second photo shoot earlier this month, we all got to see our cast of wolves, cocks, monsters, tuis and zombies come to life. 

You will all get to enjoy these stunning images in the programmes and you can even take a picture of your favourite character home on your very own Monster Burlesque postcard.

There are so many layers to this show that are going to make it an experience to remember. Earlier this week a team of us went out to Miramar with a very large piece of fabric and painted what will be a major part of the show… the set. 

This will literally set the scene for the world of Monster Burlesque. Vaune our creative director designed the set. We want to say a massive thank you to the very talented Aaron Black for all of his help and to FUSE circus in Miramar for allowing us to use the space to paint in.

Mary, Nikki and Beckie Painting the base
Our multi talented producer Mary Laine and Aaron Black filling in the detail

You may have seen some of the photos from the first photoshoot around town on your fantastic posters publicising the show, these were designed by Aaron Black who helped us earlier in the week.

We now have a group rate for groups of 10 + each ticket is $35 and these are available from either eventfinder or direct from Paramount.

We are so excited about the show and with just over two weeks left until we open, you better go and get your tickets. Don't forget to check the blog or our Facebook page, Overactive Imagination for more details about our street performances with some of Wellington's finest community groups leading up to opening night xxx

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Monsters are hitting the streets of Wellington!

Hello my sweets - forgive me for the somewhat sporadic posting, my excuse is the very worthy one of being so busy making costumes and rehearsing that I have VERY little time left for blogging!

The rich textures and sparkle of the monster "look".

This is one of the pieces I have been busy on... the mask for the purple monster... just a sneak peek!

However important things are afoot, and the monsters are about to spill out onto the streets of Wellington!

Our wonderful community groups will be performing short sets at several locations around the city over the week leading up to and during the two weeks of the show. So that you can take advantage of every opportunity to get some monstery action, see below for the list of when and where to be.

Check out Taikoza for some seriously deep Monster Drumming, and ZambaBem for beautiful Brazilian dances. Capoeira Resistencia will turn voodoo on it with Maculele and acrobatic capoeria performances.
At all these street shows, you will also get the chance to meet some of our Monster Burlesque Cast and Crew, take photos and find out more about the show, and the amazing groups you are there to see.

Friday 2 September: Taikoza
Courtenay Park (outside Burger Fuel)
5.30 - 6.00pm

Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 September: ZambaBem
Waterfront (exact locations TBC - check back here or our facebook events for details)
1.00 - 1.30pm both days

Tuesday 6 September: Capoeira Resistencia
Te Papa Forecourt
12.30 - 1.00pm

Wednesday 7 September: Capoeira Resistencia
Midland Park
12.30 - 1.00pm

Sunday 11 September: Taikoza
Post Office Squre (opposite QueensWharf)
7.00 - 7.30pm

Monday 12 September: Capoeira Resistencia
Waterfront (exact locations TBC - check back here or our facebook events for details)

5.00 - 6.00pm

Tuesday 13 September: Capoeira Resistencia
Midland Park
12.30 - 1.00pm


And now... for me... back to the costume room for more sewing!

More monstery goodness... a sketch of one of our monster dancers.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Introducing Jacquie Fee

Jaxx performing Wuthering Heights

As rehearsals start we have the great pleasure of introducing you our extremely talented cast. You have already meet Tanya Drewery, our Magenta Diamond and Venus Starr. Next up Jacquie Fee…

Jacquie is pretty much a singing performance artist ragamuffin and loves 
nothing more than performing live to an audience.

Jaxx has performed in various venues around Wellington in a few Fringe festivals, and with the late singing/dancing girl trio The One Night Stands.

Jaxx has also appeared in a bunch of  El Jaguar's comedy nights at The Fringe Bar. She is also thoroughly interested in costuming, drag, faux drag and Rock and Roll.

She would like to continue being a singing ragamuffin in Wellington and overseas and develop a faux drag act as Mangelina Molie.

The gorgeous Jaxx.... a mistress of transformation!
And here is what we are talking about... what a cute wee raggamuffin she is!

Who'd have thought it possible? (Anyone who knows Jaxx! )